Jamie Withers (*) Revolution/Revolucion Start after all of the talking intro: |------------ |------------ x 2 |------------ |---0~------ main riff: |---------------------------------- |---------------------------------- x 2 |---------------------------------- |---2-2-0-2-2-0-2-2-0-4h3-5-------- alternate main riff: |------------------------------------------------ |------------------------------------------------ x 2 |------------------------------------------------ |---2-2-2-2-0-2-2-2-2-0-2-2-2-2-0-4-3-5---------- verse: |------------------ |------------------ x 3 |--------4~------- |---6~-------2~-- verse end: |----------------------- |----------------------- x 1 |--------4-4-4---------- |---6~---------2-2-2---- chorus x 2 alternate chorus x 4 verse x 3 verse end x 1 chorus x 2 alternate chorus x 4 bridge: |--------------------- |--------------------- x 4 |--------------------- |---2~---3~-5-3-5----- chorus buildup:(listen to The song for the timing) |-------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------- |------------------------4-4-4--------- |---2~--2~--2~--2~-------------2-2-2--- chorus x 4 alternate x 6
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