Bad Is Bad

Huey Lewis

Composición de: Alex Call/Huey Lewis/John Ciambotti/John McFee/Michael Schriener/Sean Hopper
Went uptown to see my cousin
Plays guitar, sounds like a chainsaw buzzin'
In the crowd, I see his mom and dad
I said "Hey, hey Uncle, man your son is bad"

But sometimes, sometimes bad is bad
Cool is a rule, but, sometimes, bad is bad.

Across the street, a neon sign
All you can eat for a dollar ninety nine

Our soul stew is the baddest in the land
But one dollar's worth was all that I could stand

But sometimes, sometimes bad is bad
Cool is a rule, but, sometimes, bad is bad.

Back uptown to see marie
Nobody home, I opened the door with my key
"I love you, Huey" was the note I read
But there's a strange pair of shoes underneath the bed

But sometimes, sometimes bad is bad
Cool is a rule, but, sometimes, bad is bad
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