Cifra Club



Acordes: Principal (guitarra acústica y eléctrica)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tonalidad: G
From: * (Jeff Matson)
originally by ~From: Don Hasenmayer 

I worked on this some, and this is what I came up with.


lots of bends and stuff, but you can figure it out

                                     pinch harm

The part right before the verse begins is:
e ----------------------0-------------|
B ----------------------0-------------|
G ----------------------0-------------|
D -12--9--11--7--9--5---2-------------|
A ----------------------2-------------|
E ----------------------0-------------|
e -------------------0--|
B ---3---2---0-------0--|
G -----3---2---0-----0--|
D -------------------2--|
A -------------------2--|
E -------------------0--|

(E) Bass
Tried to make you happen
(E) Bass
Tried to make you real
(A) Bass                   (G) Bass
Tried to make your face

From a broken Ferris Wheel

e---------------  ---------|
B---------------  -5--5--5-|  then the part
G-0-0-2-2-0-0---  -4--4--4-|  that comes before
D-0-0-2-2-0-0---  ---------|  Riff 1
A-x-x-0-0-x-x---  ---------|
E-3-3-----3-3---  ---------|
                          this part x2

Listen to me Dori
Listen and you'll hear
A wind that carries Lonely
And a wind that carries tears

riff 2

Riff 2A (chord sequence after riff2)
e-5---5---5--5-------you can-----5--5--5--5---|   It's really just a matter of
B-6---5---3--3-------also try----6--5--6--3---|   personal preference, as far
G-7---4---5--4--------these------7--6--5--4---|   as I'm concerned.  My ear
D---------------------------------------------|   for music isn't perfect, so
A---------------------------------------------|   I just play whatever I think
E---------------------------------------------|   sounds good.

You can also try just strumming the end chords with an emphasis on the high

The bartender must be crazy
He's such an irritating host
Every night the same dumb question
Where's your pretty little ghost

Can't a man imagine
Can't a man be free
Can't a man just have one little drink

End Chords
e -5--5--5--5---|
B -6--5--3--3---|
G -7--6--5--4---|
D -7--7--5--5---|
A -5--7--3--3---|
E -5--5--3--3---|

it also wouldn't surprise me if it were two guitars, one playing riff 2a
and the other playing

e -5--5--3--3------|
B -6--5--5--3------|
G -7--6--5--4------|
D -7--7--5--5------|
A -5--7--3--5------|
E -5--5--3--3------|

By the way, you may have noticed I don't omit notes on any of the strings
for these chords.  That's because I don't know which ones to leave out.

Well, that's what I've got.  I didn't fill in all the solos, because that
stuff takes forever, but I like the sound of most of this.  If you have any
feedback on what I've done with this, let me know.  Thanks for the headstart.
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      • A
      • Bb
      • B
      • C
      • Db
      • D
      • Eb
      • E
      • F
      • F#
      • G
      • Ab
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