We like the moon coz it is close to us we like the moooon! but not as much as a spoon cuz that's more use for eating soup and a fork isn't very useful for that unless it has got many vegetables and then you might be better off with a chop-stick unlike the moon it is up in the sky it's up there very high but not as high as maybe digibles or zeppelins or lightbulbs and maybe clouds and puffins also I think maybe they go quite high too maybe not as high as the moon coz the moon is very high we like the moon the moon is very useful everyone everybody like the moon because it light up the sky at night and it lovely and it makes the tide go and we like it but not as much as cheese we really like cheese we like zeppelins we really like them and we like kelp and we like moose and we like deer and we like marmots and we like all the fluffy animals we really like the moon