What‘s He Gonna Say Today

Eric Bibb

tono: C Afinación: E A D G B E
  N.C.          Dm       F         G   N.C.         Dm       F         G                Dm       F    
E|-------------|-| ––––-––––---––––|-------------––--|-----–––––––--––-|----––---------–-|------––––-––––--|
B|---1---------|-----| ––––----––––|––-––––1---------|-------––––––-––-|---––--1------–--|-------––––––––--|
G|-2---0-------|------| ––––--––––-|---––2---0-------|-------––––––-––-|--––-2---0----–--|-----––––---––––-|
D|-------3-0---|-0| –––––--3--––––-|-5-––––––––3-0---|-0-––0-––3-––3-––|-5-–––-----3-0---|-0---––––3--––––-|
A|-----------3-|------| ––––--––––-|-------------––3-|---------––––––––|----------––––-3-|-------––––-––––-|
E|-------------|------| ––––--––––-|---------------––|---------––––––––|----------––-–---|------––––-––––--|

   G   N.C.         Ab      G   F     Dm      F         G 
A|--------| –––––––3–|--–––––––––––––––|-––––––––––––––--|–––––|
E|-----| ––––––––––––|–––––-----–––––––|--––-––––––––––––|–––––|

What‘s he gonna say today - Eric Bibb

[Verse 1]
Dm      F          G  N.C.
  Seems like a Joke
Dm            F          G  N.C.
Sad enough to make ya cry       Ya got an
Dm           F           G  N.C.
president addressin‘ the nation 
Ab              G   F  Dm     F   G  N.C.
Soundin‘ like a family guy
       Dm        F      G  N.C.
It‘s a crazy situation 
    Dm          F       G  N.C.
An‘ crazy ain‘t nothing new 
          Dm           F        G  N.C.
But we‘re talking pure madness here
  Ab        G  F    Dm     F     G  N.C.
A nightmare comin‘ true

Dm         F             G  N.C.
  Don‘t it make ya wanna holla‘?
Dm         F             G   N.C.
  Don’t it make ya wanna pray?
Dm       F                G   N.C.
  People don’t it make ya wonder?
Ab              G   F  Dm     F     G  N.C.
What‘s he gonna say today 

[Verse 2]
Dm           F        G  N.C.
  Is there a secret agenda 
Dm       F              G  N.C.
  Sneaky stuff is goin‘ on
  Dm             F           G   N.C.
I wonder will we wake up one day
    Ab        G       F   Dm     F     G  N.C.
And found our Freedom has gone
Dm     F            G  N.C. 
  Mesmerized by his money
      Dm      F      G  N.C.  
Hypnotized by celebrity       We‘ve let a
Dm         F         G   N.C.
rich man’s boy climb to the top
    Ab       G  F   Dm     F     G   N.C.
And highjack democracy

Dm         F             G  N.C.
  Don‘t it make ya wanna holla‘?
Dm         F             G   N.C.
  Don’t it make ya wanna pray?
Dm       F                G   N.C.
  People don’t it make ya wonder?
Ab              G   F  Dm     F     G  N.C.
What‘s he gonna say today 


[Verse 3]
Dm       F            G   N.C.
  Like a bully in the playground 
Dm            F      G   N.C.
Spoilin‘ everybodys game 
Dm         F           G   N.C.
  Breakin‘ every rule in the book
  Ab        G   F   Dm     F     G  N.C.
I know you know his name 
Dm       F        G   N.C.
  Washington and Jefferson 
Dm          F          G   N.C.
Lincoln and Roosevelt too 
        Dm                F        G   N.C.
Must be spinnin‘ in their graves today 
             Ab          G   F         Dm     F     G  N.C.
The way he‘s dissin‘ the red white and Blue

Dm         F             G  N.C.
  Don‘t it make ya wanna holla‘?
Dm         F             G   N.C.
  Don’t it make ya wanna pray?
Dm       F                G   N.C.
  People don’t it make ya wonder?
Ab              G   F  Dm
What‘s he gonna say today 
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